Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The World Pearl


I dreamed that I was near a huge gate that overpassed a huge body of water. In the dream, I saw that the gate looked more like a huge bridge and the gate posts were red. They had windows inside them and there were "Watchers" overseing the gate. I passed by some workers there and they told me that this was the gate heading towards "The World Pearl". I asked if I could enter the ship that was coming and they said "No you have not passed. It is only for the souls tha...t pass." So I realized that I was not dead. I said " I am dreaming. Is this real?" and they said yes. Then I said I wanted to help. So they pointed to a builidng and said "help him". I met a man there sitting high on a loft looking depressed. I said "are you the one I am supposed to help?" He said yes. Then he explained that he shot himself (when he was alive) and he needed me to give out tributes to people (and do good deeds once a week). All I had to do was offer some homeless people brand new food, and this will help him get the energy he needed to be able to move on. I agreed. He said he "he has a heavy heart" and if I do this, it will lighten him up so he will have the energy to walk to the gate. I saw a ship that said "The World Pearl" and I said I will be happy to help him. He told me this and his name ( I won't say here). I woke up ready to help him. In real life there is a huge ship called the World Pearl. It is a huge supply ship in commercial Supply in Europe. Strange Dream.

 But I am giving food to people to see if this does do something, other than feel good about my spiritual side. I will tell you more if I see or dream other interesting things besides this later.

The Bridge I dreamed looked like this
The World Wide Supply Ship: The WORLD PEARL

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